Halle Numérique Plateform

Research platform of the COSTECH EA 2223 laboratory. The platform is housed in the Innovation Center of the Université de Technologie de Compiègne.

5 cubicles dedicated to collaborative work

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The tables and software that are used were initially developed within the context of the TATIN (Interactive Tactile Tables http://www.utc.fr/tatin/TATIN/PROJECT.html ) series of research projects at the University of Technology at Compiègne (UTC).
The objective of these hardware and software systems is to facilitate collaboration during preliminary design phases. Ubikey, a start-up from UTC, now commercializes these systems for usage in industry (http://ubikey.fr/notre-histoire/).
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The platform consists of five spaces furnished by Ubikey and a sixth space which is equipped with a prototype from the TATIN-PIC research project. These systems are each composted of a large tactile table and board.
Each of the surfaces, horizontal and vertical, is equipped with the Ubikey Office suite, which permits collaborative work, that is to say, a simultaneous interaction between several people. In addition to these surfaces, other devices can be used (Smartphones, tablets, earpieces, etc.)
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The tables, horizontal surfaces, have a screen resolution UHD (3840 x 2160) of 85"" (1860 mmx 1046 mm), which allows for a comfortable individual space for each user. This makes it possible to reflect individually, research and take notes with a tactile keyboard within the common space. This possibility for individual activity within the collective space permits simultaneous work by actors who can see the work of others, while also working. This is not possible with a personal tablet or computer, which only allows for individual interaction and strongly limit the possibility of interactions with several people in person. Moreover, these horizontal surfaces allow for face-to-face work, with perceptual crossing (non-verbal communication.) This horizontal space serves for the production of information, expansion and divergence.

The boards, vertical surfaces, consist of a UHD screen (3840 x 2160) of 86"" (2042mm x 1151mm), this allows for the pooling and organization of information that has been produced by the participants. This vertical surface serves for the organization of information, convergence and decision-making.

These systems are linked through the network and the software allows for a fluid exchange of data between the table and board, as well as with all other devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) which have both an internet connection and internet browser.
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A video capture system for research

All five of the cubicles are equipped with an audio-video capture device. This system makes it possible to record sessions by integrating sound and four points of view. This information can be used by researchers in the context of experiments. A system also makes it possible to capture all the digital interactions and thus replay the sessions or obtain statistics on the number of post-it notes created, operations, table-table exchanges, etc.
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