Research platform of the COSTECH EA 2223 laboratory. The platform is housed in the Innovation Center of the Université de Technologie de Compiègne.
In 2000, UTC put in a place an original pedagogy, based on working on projects in groups of 4 to 6 students. Students work on case studies and on real projects furnished by associations or manufacturers. Since 2006, in the context of the creation of the Innovation Center at UTC, rooms were specially designed to facilitate this pedagogical method. We first started with traditional equipment (paper board, white board, Post-its). We then equipped certain rooms with a computer for each group, combined with a screen in 2007. We have also tested other equipment, such as interactive white boards. In 2012, in the context of a research project, we conducted several work sessions in an environment equipped with a large tactile table, coupled with a tactile image wall. The results of these experiments were promising, we have deployed this type of environment in the Halle Numérique. You will find three videos:
The first presents the major principles of these table-board systems in the Halle Numérique
The following two present the software suite and tools that are available and can serve as a tutorial